
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Farewell, September...

I flipped the calendar page this morning...

It's a bittersweet moment, to be honest. September was a SUPER-busy month for us, yet it was filled with so many WONDERFUL blessings, I'm also sad to see it go! lol

I sent off my oldest to Kindergarten...with that, came a plethora of "firsts" and new things...making lunches, riding the school bus, milk $, school pictures, Jog-A-Thon...and so much more.

My youngest turned 3...weren't we taking her home from the hospital just yesterday? Now she's talking our ears off, testing her limits, AND making us laugh, too. I still try to cuddle her from time to time, if she lets me. ;)

My baby brother got married...what a sweet moment in our lives. Each in our little family was involved, and in the moments leading to that special occasion, I saw a glimpse of how much they love each other, and what a solid, sweet Christian gal she is. So happy for them! :)

My hubby was insanely busy with fieldwork. Chopping grass, then corn, then grass again...we are SOOO happy to have him back!! :)

September was unseasonably warm. The girls & I slept in a tent in the backyard for the first time ever! :) It also brought sunflowers to our yard for the first time...yes, we planted a little late. ;-) It's been a joy to watch as my daughter planted, cared for, and watched them grow!

So, farewell September...
may October be as wonderful! :)

Thanks for stopping by, and have a GREAT day!

1 comment:

  1. Yep, I'm ready for less busy fall days. Bring on the crisp colder days!


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