
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mom's Vitamins...and More

So, remember the baby shower that I co-hosted awhile back?
The one I crazily made 21 adorable baby onsie invites for?
Well, the crafting didn't stop there, lol.

First....whatever could this be?

Oh, you want to know?  You want to see the rest of it?
Okey-dokey. :)

Hmmmm....still not making sense?
How bout now?

Ha ha...I just love the ditty on this bottle of "Mom's Vitamins".
I've done these shower gift/game bottles before
(found online eons ago). So fun!

Attendees guess how many M&Ms are in the bottle, and the closest one wins a prize.
Sadly, the bottle is not the prize - nope, it goes to the new mom. ;-)

Do you want to see more?  OK, I'll show you.
I made this little coaster scrapbook titled:
"Mom to Mom"
Each attendee wrote their bit of wisdom on a page.

It's not my's a computer font. :)

Look close at the buttons....see the thread?

It's actually cardstock - made to match the colors used in the book!

Well, that's all for today....hope you enjoyed the gift ideas!
Thanks for stopping by, and have a GREAT day! :)

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