
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

First EVER Video Tutorial!

Oh boy. Can't believe I'm about to do this.
I'm seriously laughing at myself, watching this...

It's my FIRST video tutorial (and maybe my last! lol)...
I see so many things to fix, and I could share them all, but I won't.
There are a FEW interesting things I will share, though... ;-)

FIRST....the video is a suggestion only.  If you don't want to add the stickers to the backside of your rubber image, that's ok.  I prefer it so that I can see exactly what I'm stamping. :)

* Ha ha ha...starts out with my head coming into the screen while scooting up to the table. Oops!

* My daughter says it doesn't sound like my voice. Hmm.

* At the part where I say "bear with me, I've done this a few times"...what I really mean is, "Sorry that these sheets don't look new/untouched...I've done a few already, hence the few done, the few undone".  Hope that makes sense! lol

And now, without further adieu....

Well, what do you think?

Thanks for stopping by, and have a GREAT day! :)


  1. Good for you Crystal! Woot-woot! You are so much braver than me...okay...I am going to watch it now. Thank you for your kind comment on the stampin' connection. By the way, I just love your little bandaid I want that stamp set!

    Lesley ;)

  2. No way you did an awesome job on your first video! Those stamps can be tricky at first :) I hope you keep doing tutorials :)

  3. I think it was great! Very professional too. You're too hard on yourself - even Annaliese was mesmerized :). I'd love to see more tutorials! I'm a tutorial addict. Keep 'em comin'! :)

  4. crystal love the vidoe and very time sensitive becasue I jsut ordereed my first SU clear stamps cant wait to get them

  5. I think you did an awesome job -- I am such a perfectionist that I have been working on tutorial for a month now and still have not been able to post it!! You did amazing! Great job!

  6. All I have to say is BRAVO! I still can't bear to make a video tutorial for fear of embarrassing myself! But you did an AWESOME job! Yay for you!

  7. Great job for your first video tutorial! I'm glad I stopped by!

  8. ok....your first video was MUCH better than mine!!! You did an awesome job!! I wish I saw the idea to store your stamps inside the rubber part....that would be alot better.....I've already threw mine away :(
    but I will def keep that in mind for my future stamps!!Thanks so much and keep the videos coming!! ;)


Go ahead...make my day! :)