
Sunday, September 19, 2010

An Award!

****REMEMBER YOU STILL HAVE A CHANCE TO WIN!  Go to this post HERE to comment for a chance to win the blog candy by Monday at 5pm PST!****

I've been awarded!

A fellow blogging buddy recently gave me this sweet award, and I'm kinda blushing about it, but I'm not gonna lie - I'm also really excited, lol.  Thanks Ruth! :)

If you haven't checked out her blog, you totally SHOULD!  She's inspiring, I tell ya!  I cannot believe her creativity and ways to spend less on great stuff - and here I thought I was good at coupon-ing. ;-)  Here's the link to her well, spending less.

Now here are the rules to accepting the award!

1. Accept the award.
(Post it on your blog with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.)
2. Pay it forward to other bloggers that you have newly discovered.
3. Contact those blog owners and let them know they’ve been chosen.  (In no particular order)

Here are a few of my newly found fave blogs/bloggers...
Vintage Dutch Girl (not new to me, but love her anyway!)
Southern California Stamper
One Crafty Mommy
Rubber Redneck
The Stampin Schach
Dale's Designs
Thanks again, Ruth!!  I really wish I could award her right back...cause she's one of my favorite newly discovered bloggers, too! :(

****REMEMBER YOU STILL HAVE A CHANCE TO WIN!  Go to this post HERE to comment for a chance to win the blog candy by Monday at 5pm PST !****
Thanks so much for stopping by, and have a GREAT day! :)


  1. Crystal,

    I am so honored by your award. You really made my day!

  2. Wow Crystal - I am humbled at this award. It is special to receive an award from someone you have admired for quite a while. Thank you so much and thank for blessing my Sunday! I have a great day at church and now a great send off to bed!


Go ahead...make my day! :)