
Sunday, December 12, 2010

It's here, it's HERE!

So, if you've been following me at all, you know we've had computer issues around here...and that I was awaiting a new computer. WELL...after much deliberating, shopping around, figuring out affordability, biting nails, etc...Well, I suppose the nail biting thing is an extreme, since I don't do that. Hmm...I'll say tense shoulders and headaches. :)

Here's what it looked like within 5 minutes of me finding a package by my front door:

I just had to laugh at myself. Ya think I was a little excited???!!

We've had our share of headaches, even with setting this all up (wireless router problem), but oh how nice to finally be done, and enjoying the portability of a laptop - sorry...just had to share my excitement. :-)  This is a pretty big deal for us, and for us, a lot of money to spend on one item. We try to do the best we can, try to save what little we can, and be wise with our finances. Which is partly why we deliberated so long on all of this.  We did not go crazy by any means. :-)

All this to say...YAY!!!!
I hope to be back this week posting projects...don't worry, no more snowflake projects (that I know of), lol! :)

Thanks so much for stopping by, and have a GREAT day! :)


  1. Glad you are up and running again. Look forward to your wonderful samples.

  2. HOw exciting Crystal! You go girl........can't wait to see what you'll do now!

  3. Woohoo! You are in major back to business and I for one am VERY happy. By the way - thank you for all your kind comments on my blog. You are such a blessing to me. Love and new computer hugs - Shari

  4. Lucky girl! I'm so happy for you. Computer issues stink.

  5. Yay for the laptop! Enjoy! Thanks for your kind comments on my blog :)

    following you via SC...

  6. Ya! I really enjoy checking out your blog! I'm glad your back in bussiness.

  7. Happy for you....I've had my computer crash before I know what you mean!!! That reminds me ,I need to do a back up,LOL!!!! ;)
    Merry Christmas!


Go ahead...make my day! :)