
Friday, December 31, 2010


With the year coming to a close, I've been in a reflective mood.  Looking ahead to 2011, I contemplated what changes I'd like to make in my life.

The list got pretty long.
Either I'm pretty hard on myself, or I have A LOT to work on, lol! :)

Though all of this has been going on in my head, today's "Free For All Friday" challenge at SCS was to make a card based on one of your resolutions - it gave me the push I needed to post something. :)

Here are some bits and no particular order.

Be a better mom. That's a loaded generic statement. ;-)  There are many ways I'd like to improve, but a big one is this: I get so focused on what it is that I'm trying to accomplish at the moment, that sometimes I tend to do the "uh huh" nod my head thing and not truly pay attention. I know I'm not the only one out there, right?

Be a better wife.  I resolve to be more selfless. My hubby is SO good at this.

Be a better homemaker. Yup, that means doing better at planning meals (that is the root of making good meals. I can cook, no problem. I need to PLAN.)  Better housecleaning - once upon a time, I followed a system that worked really well, but I got lax. Time to pick that up again.

Be a better friend.  Take more time and foster relationships. I get so busy (and stressed) over all that's going on, that I don't shove that aside and just invite anyways - the house doesn't need to be perfect to have someone over for coffee, right? ;-)

Be a better blogger/stamper. This means being more consistent! (thought you might like that one - wink)  It also means that I'd like to use up my stashes, and stamp more often - including taking part in challenges frequently again! This also means following God's prompting when I feel the push to send someone a card. :)

Be a better PERSON. This means better time management & less being late, better diet/exercise, and most importantly, this means making more time for devotions and plugging into God's Word.

Sometimes I look at this list and think "How on earth will I have time for ALL of this??"  Well, it all needs to start with the last one.  Taking more time studying God's Word - it is the best instruction book there is, right?  :)

That's it in a {small} nutshell. ;-)

So, you're wondering how in the WORLD will she make all this into a card?  I thought the same thing, lol!  But then I realized something...
Most all of my resolutions are based on bettering relationships with all whom I love.

LOVE....HEARTS...hmmm...oh!  I just thought of another challenge I could use!  Thursday's "Ways To Use It" challenge was to use silver!

After gazing at a few of my 'heart' stamp sets and drinking some creamerized coffee, the idea came to me.  A clean and simple (my fave kind!) card using hearts and silver.

Do you have ANY idea how difficult it is to capture embossed silver on cards??  Ugh.  I won't tell you how many different angles I took the pic from. ;-)

Here's a closeup of the embossing:

I may just keep this card setting up to remind me of my resolutions:
Keep your life clean & simple, and remember to foster the relationships, Crystal. :)

Wellllll.....what do you think?  Do you have any resolutions you'd like to share?

The Small Print (All Stampin Up)
Stamps: Love You Much
Cardstock: Whisper White
Ink: Encore Silver
Accessories: Silver EP, Heat tool, Paper snips, Dimensionals

Thanks so much for stopping by, and have a HAPPY NEW YEAR! :)


  1. Aw, Happy New Year to you Crystal! I think you are already an amazing mom, stamper, blogger, friend, and person (can't really speak for the wife part LOL). I wish you much joy and love in 2011. And the card is beautiful!

  2. What a beautiful card! I think you captured it beautifully with your photos. I think I will be CASEing it. You have many good resolutions. I want to read the Bible all the way through again this year, try to remember to let God make the decisions in my life and to make cards that can go through the mail, then send them out! I look forward to following your blog in the coming year. Happy New Year.

  3. This is such a beautiful card and I agree that you've captured it's beauty nicely. I never make new year's resolutions because I am not consistent. But I would like to go back to reading my Bible every day. I got away from it this year and boy does it show in my life. Thanks for being such an encouraging friend and blessings to you and your family in 2011.

  4. I love your card!! I need to pull out this set and use it. tfs

  5. Loved the simplicity of the card, I'll case it too. I appreciate the thoughts expressed. Have a blessed new year!

  6. Wow!! I think you captured many peoples resolutions...well mine anyway. Thanks for your insightful comments and I love your blog and cards. Look forward to checking back regularly. :-)Happy New Year!

  7. Loved it! the card, and the sentiments! Thanks for sharing. Happy New Year, Crystal. You're a blessing-may God bless you in 2011. :)

  8. Saw this beautiful card on SCS and had to stop over to comment on your blog - I added myself to your followers too! Love this CAS beauty! Happy New Year Crystal!

  9. I love your card and your resolutions! I know I would like to strive to be a better me. I think if all of us did that we would have such a great world.

    May you be blessed in 2011!!!!!

  10. Wow~! what wonderful wise words for your new years resoulution! I have to say that those are all up my alley! I really have loved staying home the last 6m (I have always worked ft & was main provider for our family while ex-hubby sah.) I don't think you are the only one out there that says uh-huh.. yup- wow, I see! good.. ok well go play! ... Your still a great mom! :)

  11. Loved reading your resolutions. I can relate to all of them. The last one is my fave... bettering our selves by plugging into to God's Word. That really sums it all up. Beautiful card to capture all those thoughts.

  12. Such a lovely card. I like your idea of keeping it sitting out to help inspire your resolutions. I'm not a resolution maker but you do give me some food for thought. Have a blessed and happy new year.

  13. Beautiful card! I loved reading all of your resolutions and I think a lot of us are in the same spot! lol Hope you have a Happy New Year!!


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