
Friday, December 17, 2010

Sew, A Needle Pulling Thread...

I decided I haven't been busy enough, lately. (insert sarcasm)
Yup, I've been sewing.
Nope, I'm not technically a "sewer"...but I DO enjoy it! :)

In the past, it's been easy things like fixing things, or making curtains or aprons for the girls.
This November, I decided I wanted to repurpose some old clothes and
make them into doll clothes! :)

November and most of December passed me by,
 and I had yet to get started (so much for the Dec 1 start date).
I should know myself better than that. 
Well, to be fair, I HAVE been busy with other things.

Rather than give up, I decided to try anyways.
As of yesterday (aka - NEW start date),
 I have now made a pair of black stretch pants,
 a black romper-style dress complete with additional white decor, and white shirt for underneath.

I got sidetracked and made a coffee-cozy sleeve, too.
It was supposed to be for my 6 yr old's teacher,
but upon finishing it at midnight, decided it wasn't good enough.
Better keep it for myself and try it out before giving it as a gift! lol 

As soon as I can get myself a latte, I'll pose the cozy and let you take a look. :)

Thanks for stopping by, and have a GREAT day! :)


  1. Good for you. I use to sew and I keep saying I am going to get back to it but you beat me to it. Looking forward to seeing your cozy.

  2. Crystal you are so funny! I love to read you blog. I give you credit for sewing - the world is a much better place because I don't sew! Looking forward to seeing the results. Thanks for blessing my day. :)

  3. I try to sew.. on cards, and I can make mug rugs and coffee sleeves!! Haven't mastered the aprons yet. Would love to see the doll clothes you made!

  4. I am impressed. The sewing machine does not like me!

  5. I used to love to sew. Way back when I even made clothes I could wear. Now if it comes out, it's to make a repair to something. Keep it up. Looking forward to your projects.

  6. I love sewing, too! I have to make a couple mini welding hats for little boys in our life...and my machine is in the shop! I have a backup plan. Looking forward to following you! Thanks for following me from SC! -Julie


Go ahead...make my day! :)