
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Boxes, Boxes, Boxes!

Well, I promised I'd be back explaining what I've been up to. Some of you may have figured it out from bits and pieces of earlier posts...

HERE's what I've/we've been up to:
De-cluttering. Organizing. Cleaning. Packing. Moving furniture. Staging. Cleaning. Cleaning. Cleaning.

Did I mention cleaning?? ;-)

We're in the process of selling our home, and I never realized how much work goes into that until now.  I'm pretty sure NO ONE realizes how much goes into it until they're in the middle of it, lol.

The multiple "cleaning" part doesn't mean that our house was crazy dirty, lol.  It does mean that we cleaned everything. But mostly it means anytime someone wants to come see it (aka "showing") has to be ready to be viewed - which can be difficult with young kids.  I may (or may not) have been a tad bit...ummm...picky about messing things up lately. ;-)

A few pieces of furniture moved out, and here's the part that's my own fault ---- the organizing. My thinking was "hey, if we're going to show each room, let's REALLY tackle each room...inside closets, drawers, everything - pack things away early if we can. Why do it surface-y and have to do it again later??"   Sooo...everything took way longer.

Knee-deep in preparation and a tad bit overwhelmed at times, I decided that something had to give...and that's why the bloggeroo has been pretty quiet these days. ;-)  I am just now finally feeling like I can breathe again. Hoping we've found a new routine - one that includes time again for creating and sharing (and maybe some rambling, too - wink).

Thanks so much for stopping by, for hanging in there with me - have a GREAT day! :)

1 comment:

  1. Continue to hang in there! Looks like its paying off!? Any buyers?
    Looking forward to more creativity, but fully understand it might be in a box ;) clearly marked and stacked away!


Go ahead...make my day! :)