
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

First Day Back...

It's been awhile...let's sit down with a cup of coffee, shall we?

I see now it's been nearly 8 MONTHS since I last posted!  In some ways, I can't believe it's been that other ways, I totally can. I'll try to share bits and pieces of that time in the days to come...including some crafting! :)

Perhaps one person actually checks this anymore, wondering...did she EVER finish that craft room??  I can say with great excitement...YES - we finished it in April!  I've been able to create here and there, but not a lot, or as often as I'd like to. I'm hoping that will all change, now that school's back in session.

Back to school, I can hardly believe it. My girls started yesterday, as 1st and 4th graders!

Yesterday was such a GREAT first day.

The girls were up and going at a good fact, my 1st grader was up ONE HOUR earlier than my alarm was set for, coming to my room already dressed, asking if she could make her sandwich yet. ;)

I don't know about you, but for us, a new school year comes with traditions. One is this: I HAVE to bring them to school on the first day - poor kiddos. :)  There's just something about bringing them to their classrooms that first it. Yes, I realize this will not last much longer. ;)

After the classroom drop off /picture taking, mom & I walked over to the High School for another first day tradition - Convocation.

As I sit on the bleachers, taking in the buzzing excitement around me, I recall first days of school from my youth...seeing everyone again, feeling excited yet a little nervous....

Years later, as a parent, I see it so differently.

There is still that excitement buzzing all around...but now is that waiting, that craning my neck for a glimpse of my daughters, filing in with their new teachers and classmates. My heart bursts with joy as I see them, and I do that know...wave like crazy until they see me and wave back with a smile on their face. :)

That excitement and joy is just a small part. As a parent, I appreciate how this tradition starts the year off pointing to the One who makes everything possible, and dedicating each year to Him. It is quite common for tears to gather in my eyes at some point (sometimes more than once) during this hour or so. Whether it's during a speech given by a special speaker, during a time of singing, or during the final prayer (gets me every time). I always leave the grounds with a full and thankful heart.

Post-Convocation, Mom and I chatted over lattes at a local coffeeshop - a treasured time. :)

Next...I went to the grocery store. ALONE.

I found myself in a totally different frame of mind than when my kids are with me.  Now, don't get me wrong. I love them dearly. In fact, they've actually become quite helpful. It's just that this time, there was no fighting over who gets to push the cart (every. single. time), no trying to push with them hanging on or standing in front of me.  Just me, pushing the cart as I please. Stopping for a moment to chat with someone from church, getting to know them better. Walking through the bakery department with no "mom, can we get a donut?" pleading (really the only thing they ask for, cuz they know that once in a great while - IF it's on sale for a good price, I allow it).

I walked right on by those donuts and smiled a bittersweet smile - glad to not have the question asked, yet missing them a little in that moment too. :)

As much as that time alone is appreciated...I am still happy beyond measure to see them return after a day at school.

People often ask me what I'll do with my time, now that I've got both of my kids in school full-time. Believe me, I've got enough to keep me busy!  No, not just crafting and blogging, as nice as that would be, ha ha.

There's still yardwork, housework, Bible Study, more rooms and projects to finish (remember we moved a year ago), etc. One thing (among many) I'd like to accomplish, is keeping up to date with tasks better.  For example - it sure would be nice to balance the checkbook sooner than a couple months behind. :-|  I'm not the only one, am I?

I would love to hear from YOU!

How was your summer?  Do you have any back-to-school traditions?  Do you ever get behind on things like housework, balancing checkbook, etc...or am I the only one? Do you have any goals for this year?

Thanks so much for stopping by, and have a GREAT day! :)

PS - Yup, there's coffee in that mug - Folgers. ;-)  The mug is from a field trip to Sbux headquarters, and I love the size - it's almost like having two cups of coffee at a time - much needed this week! ;)


  1. Hey Crystal, so great to see your girls and yet they draw me to the realization that mine are growing, too. I'd had such hopes for peace and order as we started homeschooling today. In fact, yesterday I had arranged to send the kids to my grandma's so I could get some intense organizing done. Alas, didn't count on a stomach bug! But school must go on. So yes, I'm behind, too, on dishes, housework, the checkbook and more. But if I had got it straightened, I think it would have been a facade anyway. THIS is life. And it's a blessing! ~Amy Seneca

    1. Yes, it happens so quickly, doesn't it? So sorry about the stomach bug...hope healing comes quickly and that no one else catches it! :) Yes, this life is definitely a blessing, I wouldn't trade it...messes and all! ;)

      Thank you for commenting! :)

  2. Aaaaaaah... She's back!! I loved reading your emotions and pun in the blogpost! You have two beautiful girls. Wow! And why on earth would you try and get on top of all your tasks, come on, there's more to life than lists and needing to do things, you will learn soon enough (as I'm being told). I have another three years to go before I get to push that trolley with no kids haning off it, or sitting in it, and I do sympathise with your first-day-back feelings. No bleachers for us over here, but when our school starts back tomorrow with a 3rd grader (6 year old) and a 5th grader (7yrs) and one that can't WAIT to start in
    December (she'll be 4 then).. It'll be just me and the little ont home! And it makes me immensly proud to know they are being nurtured, taught, an christian-fed while at school....
    And checkbooks... I use internet banking for all my bills! All booked it to come out on the appropriate dates. And for the rest of my finances, I keep a telly, and have money allocated to particular things like 'clothes' 'maintenance' etc, and i always go over anyway... So, maybe I should find a jog, instead of checkbooking... ;)
    Looking forward to more pics, and more of your writing....!

    1. Aaaah...SHE'S back!! I've been thinking of you so often lately! :) SO good to hear from you, and I so appreciate your comment(s). ;) I haven't jumped on board with bills online yet (or autopay), still freaks me out a bit, lol! Plus, there's something about writing out each check...sometimes I use it as a way to remember to be thankful that God has given us the money to pay the bills. A visual reminder, if you will. Not sure if that makes sense or not. To be clear...not behind on PAYING bills, just behind on entering them into our computer. ;) ha ha

    2. Yes! Amen sister ;) did you have the same write up by Shelli in your impressions? I was doing a little jig from joy reading it. Hallelujah! She is so right! And bills into computers... Aaaaaah.... I get it. I dont have time to do that.. ;)

    3. The same write-up as we got over here I mean, she stated the two things she was most thankful for?
      Once I type in this comment box, and I want to add things halfway, it wont let me. It will let me delete, but not add! So here is my additional text

    4. Hmmm...I don't remember seeing it, will see what I can find. :) Which month(s) is it?

  3. I was trying to work on my typo's in my previous post, but it made more of a mess, so, please ignore my mistakes...! Oh, and enjoy your coffee!

  4. I do admire your new intentions, reading my first comment, it sounds a bit harsh.... I do believe it is good to do things, and to do things right, and to do them on time and have most things in order... So I actually admire you for wanting to do those things, and not just 'take it easy'..... <3

    1. It's NOT harsh - no worries! I hope to have a good balance of getting things done, but enjoying life, too. :) Part of that includes making time to create...yay! :)

  5. I also use a large cup for my coffee, saves me walking to coffee pot so often. Yes my home always seems to be a mess laundry needs done as do dishes and the sad part is it is just hubby and I and he is a truck driver and gone M-F so just me and it still needs cleaned, Some things never change. Enjoy the girls while they let you

    1. Yes, exactly! Though I find it cools quicker this way...meaning it takes me longer to get through it and turns cold, lol! Oh it doesn't get any better, huh? Well, I'll still try a little I guess...and not have high expectations? ;)

      Yes, I do enjoy them (most of the time) very easily! I fear that time will come so quickly, that they won't want me around. I do a lot of volunteering in their classrooms and such...I so enjoy being part of their world, and will embrace this time that they actually WANT me involved in their lives. Love it.

      Thanks for commenting! :)


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